Hello everyone,
I have been extremely busy working and looking at what's next for Pip's Home Cooking. I am making Lasagna again this week both ways with or without meat and with or without pasta. There is a Veggie Lasagna and traditional and I can make it with or without meat. In ordering please specify your preference. The Lasagna will ready for delivery on October 26-29 just let e know the best day for your delivery. Starting November 2 I will have a meal every week until the end of the year. I will be posting my Christmas menu soon.
Pan size and Prices
1. Feeds 6 $25.00
2. Feeds 4 Price $18.00
3. Feeds 2 Price $12.00
4. Single Serving Price $8.00
(Pricing subject to change due to availability of products!!)
I realize that Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here before you know it. My menu for Thanksgiving will be simple Turkey and Dressing, mac and cheese, green beans casserole, sweet potato casserole or pie. For those who would like a smaller version I can do turkey breast or a Cornish hen or roast chicken all with dressing. I can make a meal for one or more. Please get your orders in now to secure your spot. I will be sending out a email updating when orders will close. I am also making cakes, pies, and sweet rolls for the holidays just get your orders in two to three days before the date needed. If there is something you would like that I did not mention please feel free to add to your order I will try to meet all your holiday needs. Please look at my blog and I will list everything the complete menu there at www.pipshomecookingttd.blogspot.com . The deadline for holiday orders will be November 18th. I will make all deliveries on Tuesday November 21st from 7-9 am and after 4 pm. and Wednesday 22nd after 7-8 am and after 4 pm. I will need everyone to make clear what day and time works for them.
I would like to thank everyone for their support and I appreciate you greatly.