Turkey Whole or Breast
Dressing with gravy
Mac and Cheese
Squash Casserole
Green Bean Casserole
Sweet Potato Casserole or Pie
Pound Cakes (Butter, Cream Cheese, Butter Milk, Sour Cream)
If there is a dish or a dessert you don't see please make your request known.
For those who would like a smaller version I can do turkey breast or a Cornish hen or roast chicken all with dressing. I can make a meal for one or more. Please get your orders in now to secure your spot. All orders need to be in by Sunday night November 24, 2019. I will start delivering on Wednesday November 27th after 4 pm.
Thank you for your continued support,

P.S. Stay tuned for next weeks list after Thanksgiving because we are doing soups....